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january 27  2003

Variola does not exist any more in a natural state but indeed in the laboratories of the american army

USA want to subject the European countries to a forced vaccination which would lead thousands of dead and million patients

Germany - the German government is storing 100 million units of vaccine against variola and plans the obligatory vaccination of all German, possibly under cover of a new Law. Variola does not exist any more in a natural state but indeed in the laboratories of the army americaine. In the night of the 21.1.03 the chain CNN and German television ntv (share of CNN) have to show that the american troops  are already charging the planes on the one hand with biological weapons with variola and on the other hand with product of vaccination
for their soldiers. They one confirmed that they wished to use the biological grenades in Iraq " in defense ".

Whereas here in Germany the government says that it is necessary to be afraid of the terrorists for they can use bombs of variola, in verity " one " assigned with the German army the spot to deal with the American soldiers who would be wounded, with responsibility of going to seek them in Iraq. It be-A-statement that in Germany the planes soaked with bacteriological dust and the infected American soldiers would arrive.

Here what explains why the German government, beyond its official declarations, vor to make vaccinate 82 million Germans and touts people who would pass by Germany. The biological war is already in preparation. The German planes of medical department are already over there in Beirut to serve American.

On 10.000 vaccinated possible, this vaccination would result in the death of 1 person and 300 others would fall sick. In other words on the whole of the population generalized vaccination will lead to dead of 8.200 German and would cause a serious disease at 2,4 million citizens. Vaccination against variola involves an ignition of the brain which can cause a dimension of immense debility - idiocy in particular on the whole grandchildren, which should be treated for all the remainder of their life and would not normally have the chance of developer. This immense catastrophe which would occur in Germany would induce also obviously dramas with the whole of the countries of Europe.

Those which méneraient these actions of variolous anti vaccination in Europe would manage to make France and of Germany of the countries in order " to go well on line " according to wishes' of Bush and its gangsters of oil. The fact that the German government already states to have stored 20 million units of vaccine confirms that he wants to start to vaccinate when he has stock necessary for all German (reserve of 100 million units) i.e. in April 2003.

(tele information was disseminated in the night of the 21.1. between 23h00 and 24h00 H but was not repeated the following day, at once being exerted control).

D. Harald Alke, biological technician in microbiology

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