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April 27 2003


the United States hold teenagers of less than 16 years among the 664 prisoners of Guantanamo

28.04.03 - The United States holds teenagers of less than 16 years among the 664 prisoners of Guantanamo. « To pay attention in Guantanamo Bay » . According to Los Angeles Times and Guardian, the United States holds teenagers of less than 16 years among the 664 prisoners of Guantanamo. The commander of the camp recognized with a journalist of the chain ABC One knows only that there is of them more one and that they must still be questioned. To question of which façon ? It is known that certain prisoners were tortured and that
several made suicide attempts. Donald Rumsfeld and Richard Myers affirmed in a point presses that the prisoners were not children and that they were « very dangerous » before eluding the question concerning their lawsuit. The New York Times and Washington Post did not note this information. The children is adults, ignorance is a force, the war it is peace. by The Moscow Times - Russia). Former writer of Moscow Times, Matt Bivens is from now on a chronicler with The Nation.

« taste of authoritarianism generated a american Gulag »

Appetite for Authoritarianism Spawns year American Gulag, Los Angeles Times (the United States) Jonathan Turley is a professor of right to George Washington University. Whereas the United States recognized last week which they held of the teenagers of less than 16 years with Guantanamo it is time to point out certain facts concerning the plan of the Bush administration to face the increase in the number of the prisoners
with Guantanamo. There are 664 prisoners in this camp which was envisaged in the beginning to lock up only the Afghans convinced of war crime. The majority will not be judged. The Bush administration claims that it is not a question of « personnes », in the sense that hears the Constitution of the United States, and which they can thus claim with no right. Whoever is suspected of being a terrorist or to have helped of the terrorists can be locked up there without lawsuit. This type of prison already existed in the histoire : they are the goulags.

John Ashcroft seems to want to allow the authorities indefinitely to hold individuals. It is what is planned for certain legal immigrants since the authorities affirm that they represent a « menace for safety nationale ». There is a taste for authoritarianism in the Bush administration and if the number of touched people remains weak for the moment, it is increasingly important. The Americans do not understand the plundering of museums by the population in Iraq, but they are not astonished that we also ransack our young history by letting the Bush administration tackle the constitutional principles.

(transmitted by Voltaire Network)

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