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january 2   2003

The secret device of US propaganda in Europe

Rumsfeld targets France and Germany to eliminate the political leaders, the companies and the intellectuals who oppose the United States

To sweep the objections of their allies, the United States decided to undertake vast propaganda campaigns in Europe by corrompant journalists and writers. The purpose of these operations do not only aim at conquering the assent of the public opinions to the imperial policy of Washington, they are also to eliminate the political
leaders, the companies and the intellectuals who oppose it. In mid-December, Donald Rumsfeld indicated France and Germany like priority targets.

The expression « diplomacy public » indicates the « propaganda » in the jargon politically correct American. During the Cold war, the United States invested massively in the public diplomacy to counter the Soviet influence. This device was developed by Ronald Reagan within the Security Council national, under the authority of the vice-president of then, George Bush senior. It was surbedded gradually when the USSR broke down. Only the international Programs of information (International Programs Information - IIP) survived.
They are the emissions Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty and Radio Free Asia.

In 1999, at the conclusion of the war of Kosovo, the Secretary of State Madeleine K Albright noted the deterioration of the image of the United States in the world and of the impact of the alternative agencies of information on the Clear one It then instituted an under-secretary's department of State to the public diplomacy. This station was reserved for Evelyn Simonowitz Lieberman. Initially, the Bush administration neglected this service which was attached to the spokesman of the State Department, Richard Boucher. But it did not delay fully to be restored and entrusted to Charlotte Beers, who took her functions right after the attacks of September 11 2001. A violent competition immediately opposed the State Department to the Defence Department for the control of this function.

The secret device of US propaganda

The secretary in defense, Donald Rumsfeld, instituted in October 2001, in the greatest secrecy a strategic Office of influence (Office for the Strategic Influence - OSI) directed by the General Simon Pete Worden (one of the promoters of the asymmetrical war since space). The relations between the OSI and the under-secretary's
department of State to the public diplomacy were articulated by the military Group of international information (International Military Information Group - IMIG) of colonel Brad Ward.

This new device was immediately activated to correct the impact of the call to the « croisade » of George W Bush and to convince the Western public opinions that the United States does not carry out a war against Islam. One remembers thus the sudden rise to the crenel of intellectuals, of which some actually were duly sharpened, us ensuring that president Bush had heard his advisers and had rectified his remarks. Nevertheless, the New York Times revealed that part of the resolved funds had already been used to handle the public opinion in the same United States, in violation of the legal provisions into force. The Bush administration tried to explain why it had never sought to poison the voters states-uniens, but only with misinformation  terrorists and to reverse the foreign public opinions. However, the universalization of information being what it is, it is today difficult to circumscribe propaganda abroad. Also, the president ordered it the closing of the OSI.

Actually, the OSI was immediately reconstituted in secrecy. An obscure post of under-secretary associated in the special plans (deputy under-secretary for special plans) was created with the Pentagon and was entrusted to the captain William J Luti (until advising there of Dick Cheney). One is unaware of the amount of his
budget, which however is described as « très consistant ». Under its control, the ex-OSI was physically transferred to Strategic Command, where it is always directed by G! énéral Simon P. Worden. The
device was developed considerably in a few months. Offices of propaganda were created in each weapon. The 8th division of the Air Force, which had conducted the air campaign against Germany Nazi, gave up its bombers to be affected more only with the international battles of propaganda (Worldwide Information Attacks). The Navy obtained a Command of the war in networks (Naval Network Warfare Command). The Army lays out as for it, of permanent structures of propaganda since the occupation of Germany, Austria and Japan, where it allotted the authorizations of publication. Lastly, the new plan of the staff interarmes (Joined Strategic Capabilities Plane) place from now on propaganda on the same level of concern as the diplomatic actions, the military operations, and the economic conditions.

The under-secretary associates William J Luti works in close coordination with the old networks « stay-behind », from now on identified under the name of code of « Gray Fox ». The unit is supervised by the vice-secretary with the international businesses of safety (assistant secretary for International Security Affairs), Pete Rodman (the former adviser in barbouzeries of Dr. Henry Kissinger), itself placed under the authority of under-secr! étaire Douglas J Feith (one protected from Richard Beads).

Four principal objectives had initially been laid down jointly by the secretariat of State and the secretariat at Defense. To convince the international public opinion that :  1) attacks of September 11 did not aim the United States, but the whole of the civilized nations. 2) The United States does not carry out a war against Islam, but
against the Islamic terrorists.  3) The United States did not attack Afghanistan, but constant the Afghan people in his fight against Talibans.  4) For to come to end of international terrorism, all the civilized nations must be linked behind the United States.

Each day, each US embassy in the world

Each day, each US embassy in the world addresses Charlotte Beers, to under-secretary with the public diplomacy, a report on the evolution of the perception of this message in the country host and a statement of the articles and emissions favorable which it succeeded in making pass in the local press.

The publication of a survey carried out in 44 countries by Pew Research Center, under the authority of the former Secretary of State Madeleine K Albright, at the beginning of December 2002, started again the debate in Washington. It shows a strong degradation of the image of the United States in the world and a hostility growing with their international politics in France and Germany.

DoD Directive 3600.1 Information Operations

Learning the lessons from this report, the Bush administration decided to reinforce its « diplomaty public ». At the conclusion of the iron arm between rival departments, it is ultimately the Defense which will play the
major part as regards propaganda. If it is him which will fix the targets, the topics of countryside will be worked out by the under-secretary's department of State to the public diplomacy which has greater experience of the handling of the foreign populations. The president of the Commission of the international Businesses of the
Room of the representatives, Henry J Hyde, favours so that the modest budget of the under-secretary's department of Charlotte Beers is increased on this occasion and passes from 400 to 655 million dollars.

Top secret instructions, identified under name « DoD Directive 3600.1 Operations » Information, were signed by Donal Rumsfeld in mid-December. They authorize operations of propaganda on a large scale to influence the public opinions in the allied countries and the decision-making of their political leaders. The environment of the debates in progress in Washington had been reported by France 2 at the time of an interview of Edward Luttwak, diffused on December 9. The famous strategist y said : « Chirac has an addition to pay in
Washington ! It has a long addition to pay in Washington, and, in Washington, there is a decision obviously to make him pay the addition. Chirac, it wanted to eat and to puff out with depend on the United States on the diplomatic scene and, obviously, it goes to pay… 

Two principal targets were indicated in this cadre : France and Germany. These States must be discredited on the international scene so as to put a term at their influence against the war in Iraq. They are regarded as all the more dangerous since Germany will stay into 2003 and 2004 like temporary member of the Security Council and like chair Committee of the sanctions, while France will chair in January the 2003 Security Council. Their leaders must be discredited with the eyes of their voters, so as to be évincés public life. The company image of the large companies which support the national policies of hostility with regard to the United States must be tarnished at the point to make them lose their row economic ; and the leaders of these companies must be blamed in their competence and their probity. The leaders of opinion who develop in the public of the hostile feelings with regard to the policy of Washington must be ostracized medias. Lastly, the Moslem groups which could relativize the concept of « war civilizations » must be placed out of state of
« to harm ».

With regard to France, the targets principal sont : the president Jacques Chirac, Total-Elf-Fina, consortium EADS (European Aeronautic Defense and Space) and its leaders Jean-Luc Lagardère and Philippe Camus, Thalès (here a long time that one had not intended to speak about the frigates of Taiwan), Renault, and the Voltaire Network. According to this plan, defamatory charges will be published in foreign medias of low importance, then included in the French press by journalists « solicited ». France will be presented like an
intolerant country out of religious matter and anti-semite because invaded and dominated by the Moslems. The companies and industrialists target will be presented like corrompus and unfair. To amplify this countryside, of the books will be also published by intellectuals « solicited ».

In Washington, one does not doubt to be able to transmit the messages as one wishes as well in the newspaper industry as audio-visual Frenchwoman. One evening of strike of the drafting, didn't one succeed in making diffuse by France 2, in the place of the newspaper of 20 hours, an episode of JAG, a serial of propaganda of CBS very officially Co-writing by the CIA, without raising least the protestation ?

Right now, we can reverse this small jeu : who, in the press and the French edition agreed to box fatty the
« sollicitations » of Pentagone ?

Thierry Meyssan
Journaliste et écrivain, président du Réseau Voltaire.

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