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february 5   2003

Inspections of the Installations of American Armaments
A Canadian association proposes to send inspectors to the USA  pour to inspect installations of the chemical, biological and nuclear weapons of this country.

The administration of Bush retained 4 criteria to indicate the dangerous countries:

1) to have massive stocks of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons

2) to be unaware of the resolutions of the United Nations

3) to refuse to sign and honour the international treaties

4) to have arrived at the capacity by illegitimate means

USA answering these 4 criteria, an inspection of their equipment impose for it! It will take place in February 2003: the inspectors of the movement  "Routing Out Evil " will present themselves to the American border and will ask to carry out their work.

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banque de données et d'informations indépendantes sur la domination US et pour la liberté des peuples . bank of information independent against the US domination and for freedom of the people.