the world is not goods yeux_tournant.gif (6118 octets)

March 20 2003

To maintain the supremacy of the dollar and the control of the
currency, vis-a-vis the risk of bankruptcy and with the collapse of
their economy: the USA decided the war

Iraq decided, at the end of 2000 to make out in EURO and either in
DOLLAR its transactions oil and commercial. The domino effect and the
contagion of the other oil-producing countries were inadmissible for
the US monopolies and government.

The introduction of the unipolar world is played in 2003  through the Iraqi conflict and the destruction of UNO. But the war in Iraq hides another guerre : that of the control of the currency. In this financial war, the United States tries to maintain the dollar like single currency of reference, while part of the world tries to use the
euro like alternative to hegemony states-unienne. The swing begins at the end of 2000, when Iraq decides to make out in euros and either in dollars its transactions oil and commercial. The initiative is followed by the North Korea and Iran. In March 2001, one of the engines of OPEC, Venezuela, makes an intervention noticed on the use of the euro for the fixing of the price of oil. In 2002, China and Russia start to convert their financial assets of the dollar towards the euro.

If the Bush administration has its own reasons to attack Iraq, it is supported by the financial institutions states-uniennes to defend the hegemony of the dollar. Beyond the war against Iraq is held a world financial war, in the center of which is the European Union.

Member States of the OPEP : Venezuela, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Katar, Koweït, Libya, Algeria, Nigeria and Indonesia..

British separatist temptation

the recent discussions within the Security Council of UNO revealed a sharp tension between the United States of America and the United Kingdom on the one hand and Russia, France and Germany - joined to a certain extent by China - on the other hand. This controversy crystallized an opposition former going up to the middle of the Nineties. It is important to briefly reconsider economic alliances which saw the day at this time to
include certain hidden stakes of the war against Iraq.

At that time, British integration with the north-American economy knew a clear increase with fusion in British Petroleum and American Oil Company giving rise to the third world oil company, BP-AMOCO.
Moreover, at the beginning of 2000, the American secretary with defense, William Cohen, and its British homologue, Geoff Hoon, signed a statement of principle on the military material and the industrial co-operation. The five American giants of the armament (Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Northrop-Grumman) in addition showed the same period an alliance with the British British Aerospace Systems (BAES) within the framework from the agreement on the « pont transatlantique ». Following this
alliance, BAES became one of the very first suppliers of material of defense of the Pentagon.

In response to these bringings together américano-British, France and Germany encouraged fusions to give birth into 2000 to European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co (EADS) which integrates in only one
Daimler-Chrysler entity, Aerospace AG, Aerospatiale-Matra and Construcciones Aeronauticas SA the Western industry of defense and aerospace is since then dominated by two groups delivering a keen commercial war.

Historical alliance between the United Kingdom and the United States of America could come out of there only reinforced considerably, so much so that on both sides about the Atlantic one spoke seriously about the advisability for the British of leaving the European Union to join Alena (Agreement of free American northern exchange, single market between the United States, Canada and Mexico).

July 4 2000, at the time of a meeting entitled « Euroland and Alena » organized by Center for policy studies British, the republican senator of Texas, Phil Gramm, president of the commission of the Senate on the banking businesses, housing and the urban businesses, defended his proposition  thus: « Le world saw developing a substantial number of free trade areas. The United States is une : Alena, which we hope to extend from the Arctic to the Antarctic. But I am here today to speak about the extension of the free
transatlantic exchange [... I see in him a means of breaking the regional commercial block [... It is necessary to create a dramatic takeover by force. I believe that this takeover by force could be an agreement of free exchange between the United States and the United Kingdom [... In one week, I could write an amendment with the Senate - and to make it adopt - which would give to the president the capacity, the mandate, to start to negotiate an agreement of free exchange with the Kingdom-Uni. »

Of many British members of Parliament discussed the question and, as testifies the debates to them to the Room of the communes, the raised polemic was sharp.

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Occulted fundamental motivation

It is in this context that States-uniens and British worked out the attack of Iraq. On the origins of this conflict, three major reasons were advanced that we will briefly evoke before paying our attention on a last fundamental
cause until there under silence. The Wolfowitz doctrines consist in making a show of force in order to dissuade any country to be in the future opposed to the super power states-unienne. The Perle doctrines want to benefit from the conflict to reorganize the Middle East. While the Kissinger doctrines preach the takeover of the energy resources.

Several objectives with the latter. First of all, the United States, as a first world oil importer (9,8 million barils/jours in 2000 - that is to say half of their consumption - against 5,5 million to Japan or 2,7 in Germany), must ensure itself of their own provisioning. By the same occasion, they will have the seizure on the oil supply to the other importing countries and will be able of this fact of exerting useful pressures on their governments. Lastly, the war will make it possible the American oil companies to reach known Iraqi oil to be that whose cost of exploitation is lowest and whose blockade of the country had deprived them with the profit French companies, Russian or Chinese. But it is only the emerged part of the iceberg.

Currency of reference

At the end of the Second World war, in order to avoid the problems encountered before the conflict, the conference of Bretton Woods founded gold convertibility of the currencies. The central banks were
to have the sufficient gold reserves to ensure the conversion of their currencies. But, in 1971, the Nixon administration decided to come out of the system, replacing de facto the gold standard by the dollar
which became a fiduciary currency - the fiduciary currency in excellence. Currently, two thirds of the world reserves of the central banks consist of dollars, more half of trade are made out in dollars - and the only country authorized to emit dollars is the United States of America. To a certain extent, since 1971, the world
trade became a play in which the United States produces green tickets while the rest of the world produces goods which the dollar can bu"y

And l"ast but not least", the dollar is, from London in Teheran, from Moscow in Mexico City, the currency of reference for the oil transactions. Lastly, such was the case until October 30 2000, day when the committee of the sanctions of UNO authorized Iraq to be made out in euros and either in dollars its oil and commercial
transactions. « Les the United States tried besides to block this operation, but as an expert of the Commission of the sanctions of the ONU  notes it: there is not basic legal to block the request irakian». The Iraqi decision took effect at November 6, the country deciding little time to afterwards convert in their turn into
euros the 10 billion dollars resulting from the program « oil against nourriture » blocked on an account from the BNP-Paribas agency from New York.

Regarded as a decision before any policy of Baghdad against Washington, the operation economically proved extremely advantageous, the euro having gained 17 % vis-a-vis the dollar lasting only year 2002. The question which arose then, was to know if other countries would follow the example - the worst nightmare of the American federal Reserve being than OPEC decides as a whole to make euro the currency of transaction for its oil trade. Jordan whose principal trade partner is Iraq immediately adopted the European currency for its
exchanges with Baghdad. As for the North Korea, it will adopt two years later, December 1 2002, the euro like single currency for its trade.

Domino effect

In July 2002, the bankers estimated that the countries of the Gulf would lose for only year 2002, 97 billion dollars because of the devaluation of the American dollar compared to the euro. For its part, the Iranian central Bank set up a committee to study the question. Of Iranian source, the institution would have been of all
its weight during summer 2002 on the Minister for Oil so that the country passes to the euro for its oil exchanges. Substitution is justified more especially as a third of the oil of the country is exported towards Europe. Why, under these conditions, to continue to use the currency states-unienne ? According to an Iranian member of Parliament, « Il has a very strong chance there that the Parliament adopts this id ée... Now that the euro is stronger, it would be logique. » After Iraq and the North Korea, the Axis of Mal [1 ] was

At the time of a conference under the aegis of the Spanish minister of the Economy, April 14 2002, during the presidency of the European Union by this country, the director of the department of research oil market of OPEC, Iranian Javad Yarjani, gave an opinion diplomatically. « Question which comes to mind is to know if the euro will take a lead in the world financial markets, thus defying the supremacy of the dollar [... One of the most convincing arguments for the maintenance of the fixing of the price and of the payments in dollars was the fact more that the United States is a large importer that that which they are a large producer. However, by looking at the statistics on oil exports, one notices that the zone euro is an oil importer even more important and derived products [... It is good to note that the producers, the large-scale consumers and crude the importers of the zones not dollars, such as the European Union, share common interests..... If the fixing of the prices of oil passed in euros, that could make it possible this currency to acquire the row of currency of world
reference. There are also commercial bonds very extremely between the members of OPEC and the zone euro - with more than 45 % of the total imports of goods of the countries of OPEC coming from the countries of
this zone [... It is wise to recall that changes in the control of the oil businesses will become in the next inevitable years and we owe prepared. »

According to many analysts, the period hinge for this change would be widening in May 2004 of the European Union which will make pass the total population to 450 million people for a GDP of 9,6 billion dollars against 280 million and 10,5 billion dollars for the United States of America. This analysis is also worth for the use of the euro by Russia. 21 % of oil and 41 % of gases imported in the European Union come from this country. There still, the use of the American dollar is not justified. It is the substance of the message which Romano Prodi, president of the Commission, made pass to Vladimir Poutine at the time of the top European Russia-Union which was taken place in May 2001.

Making gleam an increase in the exchanges between the two areas and an increase in the investments coming from the Union, European pressed his homologue to increase the share of the euro in the commercial payments and the reserves of the central Bank. « Le significant role that the European Union plays in Europe and in the world policy pushes us objectively towards a co-operation more proche », concluded the Russian president.

China and Russia already started to convert their financial assets of the dollar towards the euro with for objective, in the long term, the division with equality between the two currencies. Like Iraq, Iran, the North Korea, Russia, China and many other countries, Venezuela decided to diversify the reserves of currencies of its central Bank by selling dollars to buy euros. More alarming still for the United States, March the 6 and 7 2001, was held beside Moscow the International one finances congress entitled « Processus of globalisation and hidden threat of the crisis of the currencies of reserve mondiales ». At the time of the first day, the ambassador vénézuélien in Moscow, Francisco Mieres-Lopez, made an intervention noticed on the topic of the feasibility of the swing of the dollar towards the euro for the fixing of the price of oil. It is wise to recall here that the event proceeds one year before the fallen through coup d'etat, that the secretary-general of OPEC is
vénézuélien and that the intervention of the ambassador comes to be added to the agreement which the country with thirteen other States concluded to exchange its oil counters other goods or services -
démonétarisant partially the oil exchanges of the 4th world producer.

Collapse of the economy US

The US economy  is closely  related to the role of the dollar like currency of reserve and world currency of exchange. If the principal exporting gas and oil countries decided to proceed to whole or part of their sales in euros, the consumer countries would be brought to sell part of the dollars of their reserves to buy euros.
The world need for green tickets decreasing, the course of the dollar - resting mainly on its hegemony - would fall, depriving the country of its first good of export. The by-effect would be phenomenal for the economy of the country which, private of its monetary and commercial control world, could not assume its propensities
imperialists any more.

author: L.C. Trudeau (transmitted by Reseauvoltaire)

[ 1 ] George W Bush with qualified Iraq, Iran and the North Korea « d' Axis of Mal » at the time of its annual speech over the state of the Union, January 29 2002.

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