the world is not goods yeux_tournant.gif (6118 octets)

March 20 2003

Act of mobilization

Regrouping for Peace and Blockade of the embassies custom

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The fundamentalist ones with the capacity in Washington undertook to crush people under the bombs and to trample the international law. No government, no citizen can remain passive in front of this crime. Also, the Axis of Peace invites it to support the governments which defend peace and to block the machine of war states-unienne.

In the United States, let us block the operation of the air bases necessary for the supply of the troops which massacre in Iraq. In the rest of the world, let us block the operation of the embassies and consulates of the United States until the complete stop of the bombardments. To facilitate this operation, the Voltaire Network
places at the disposal of the citizens and organizations of resistance a site internet,, making it possible to coordinate the blockade.

We count on your participation to make circulate this call, register you, and come to express your refusal to see the force taking precedence over the right and people to perish under the bombs.

Take part in the blockade of the air bases, states embassies and consulates everywhere in the world. The site makes it possible to coordinate the volunteers by place and time beach in order to ensure a constant blockade.

Saturday 22 Mars: general mobilization, demonstration " STOP A the WAR "

To download, print and ridges to circulate the posters and the leaflets of call to the mobilization on Transmit this information to all your friends

Transmitted by Voltaire Network

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banque de données et d'informations indépendantes sur la domination US et pour la liberté des peuples . bank of information independent against the US domination and for freedom of the people.