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April 27 2003

To bury UNO

how the US government will proceed to weaken the role of the United Nations

To bury UNO. In the United States, The Heritage Foundation, the think-tank new-conservative which accomodated in April 2003 Alain Madelin with his platform, publishes a sales leaflet intended for the
Bush administration. The foundation, true « machine with ideas » of the warmongers US, explains how his government must proceed to weaken the role of the United Nations in the management of the post-war period in Iraq and, more generally, to limit its prerogatives to the only humane spots. The document intends to show : coalition can manage Iraq without the downstream of UNO while remaining within the framework of the right international , the coalition can legitimately exploit Iraqi oil to finance the reconstruction , toutes the resolutions of UNO relating to Iraq are obsolètes , UNO is not necessary to the legitimacy of the temporary administration in Irak , supervision by UNO is not essential with the creation of democratic Iraq  .

The think-tank new-conservative insists on the need for the United States for preserving the support of the United Kingdom in spite of the dissension between the two countries concerning the part which UNO
in the post-war period must play. « Il is essential that no public quarrel bursts between Washington and London on this question », estimates The Heritage Foundation. With this intention, it proposes a plan of action : to imply with the Frenchmen, Russians and Germans whom the United States could agree to vote for a « raisonnable » resolution comprising legal and political proposals. This resolution should not « to seek  be however assumed with UNO of the capacities which are not the siens ». In other words, the United States is ready with minor political concessions to make it possible M. Blair to save the face. The Heritage Foundation thus proposes a plan with the Bush administration allowing him, by reinforcing its unilateralist attitude in the Middle East, to eliminate UNO.

(transmitted by Voltaire Network)

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