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American Interventions in world since 1846 (not complete)

According to the report of the department American presented in 1962 by the secretary Dean Rusk before the committee senatorial and taken again under the title « Somes uses of the American force armed to foreigner 1798-1945 » presenting some with the 103 American « operations exteriors » before American intervention to Cuba. List " enriched " by the topicality.


1846- Mexique. With end of war that had programmed and caused, the USA take half of the Mexican territory. The name of this conquered territory : California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado (partly).

1852-1853- Argentina. The « marines » unload and install with Buenos-Surfaces to protect the American « intérêts » vis-a-vis a ravolution.*

1853- Nicaragua. « protection » of the citizens and interests American during political disturbances.

1853-1854- Japan. « Open plan of Japon » and Perry forwarding which leads, with the American warships, to force Japan to open its ports in the United States*

1853-1854- Ryukyu and Bonin island . Awaiting a response of Japan to autorize to go in this country, the
American rear-admiral Perry, operates a display of naval strength of force and unloads by twice. He obtains authorities of Naha, on island d’Okinawa, management a concession mining. He operates the same show of force in the islands of Bonin so obtein commercial facilities.*

1854- Nicaragua. For « venger » an offence made with minister-reside American in station at Nicaragua : destruction of cheap of Greytown (San Juan del Norte)*

1855- Uruguay. The American and European navy unloads for « protection » the American interests with the course of minor-act of revolution with Montevideo.

1859- China. Intervention american intended to protect the American interests with Shanghai.

1860- Angola. Intervention in Portuguese Western Africa to ensure the safety of the citizens and the American goods during an indigenous revolt with Kissembo.

1893- Hawaii. Under official cover to protect the lives and the goods from American, this intervention aimed at setting up a provisional government under autority of Sanford D. Dole.

1894- Nicaragua. Intervention to protect the American interests with Bluefields with the continuation of revolution.

1898- Cuba. Under pretext of release island of the Spanish supervision, the USA instal and impose a military base, the possibilities investissment financial American and right a intervention in the interior live of the country.

1898- Porto-Rico, Hawaii, Wake, Guam. Under pretext of demolish the Spanish supervision, the USA
instal and impose a military base, the possibilities investissment financial American and right a intervention in the interior live of the country.

1898- Philippines. Achipel is sold in the USA by Spain (December 1898), the Filipinos are raised against the United States (February 1899), the USA sends 70 000 soldiers who will spend three years to subdue rising
(thousands of losses).

1903- Colombia. The United States foments a « revolution » with issue of which they create of any part the Republic of Panama which ensures the control of the famous channel to him and ds enormous benefit that generates.

1915- Haïti. New intervention and occupation of the American troops pour… 19 years.

1916- Dominican Republic . Fourth intervention and maintenance of the American troops pour… 8 years.

1926- Nicaragua. New intervention and forwarding of 5000 soldiers to counter a revolution.

1945-46- China. The USA bombard China.
1946- Philippines. American colony until Japanese occupation, the Philippines reaches their independence in 1946 by conceding in the USA an unlimited right exploitation of the natural resources of the country to the title of the war damagees. Until 1992 the USA preserve 23 military bases and take part in the repression of the opponents communist or Moslem.
1947- Greece. American flies to the help of the line dictatorship installation by the British and threatened by the guerrilla of left. The USA deliver 74 000 tons of military materials and armaments and send 250
military « advisers » on the ground, thus ensuring the victory of the force of right-hand side in 1949.

1950- Porto Rico. The American troops which station permanently crush a movement independance. 2 years later Puerto Rico sees itself granting the delicious free statute « Associated State with the United-States »

1950- Korea. The armies of the North Korea cross the parallel 38ème and penetrate in South Korea. With the « demande » of the United Nations that very largely dominate, the USA « accept » to aid to push back armed agression. 2 million Korean find death during this war.
1950-53- China. The USA bombard China.

1953- Iran. A blow state orchestrated by the CIA is carried out by army and the land great landowners after the British organized the boycott of the Iranian oil companies following their nationalization in 1951. The USA then will support during the 25 years which follow man of the country extremely, the Shah d’Iran. This one will have to back out in 1978 front the tidal wave of the Islamic revolution. (2 years later, in 1980, the war between Iran and Irak will be an aubaine for industries armament, in particular American).

1954- Guatemala. Mercenaries trained by the CIA in Honduras and Nicaragua reverse, with aid American  aviation, the most democratic government that Guatemala ever knew.

1958- Lebanon. Thousands of « marines » are sent to Lebanon to prevent the inversion of the government pro-American and to protect the American interests in this area rich in oil resources.

1958- Indonesia. The USA bombard Indonesia.
1960- Guatemala. The USA bombard Guatemala.

1961- Cuba. Armed and pulled by the CIA, more than 1000 exiled cuban unload in bay of the pigs with hope to cause a rebellion against the government castrist in very popular place. Rising not place, the mercenaries
are rejected with the sea, the USA strikes d’embargo Cuba. In 2002 embargo American still lasts.

1961-1972- Vietnam. During 11 years the USA, taking over French army, use all their military arsenal including chemical coming to end nationalist revolutionary movement of independance. The longest war in which the USA embarked will make million deaths Vietnamese and American without success for most powerful of the countries of planet.

1961-1972- Laos - Cambodge- Officially not in war with these two countries, the USA carried out there ceaseless air raids and innumerable massacres of people.

1964- Panama.   The « marines » which protect the interests of the American administrations of Panama Canal crush a revolt aiming at nationalizing this strategic sector. After having to protect and use the dictator
panaméen Noriega for their attacks against Nicaragua sandinist, the USA disencumber. 26 000 American soldiers invade the country under cover to make it appear before the American courts for traffic of drug. Hundreds of civil perish under the bombardments.

1964- Congo. The USA bombard Congo.

1965- Indonesia. Pretexting an attempt at blow state Communists however close to the capacity of Sukarno, a bloody military operation whose leaders are radio-controlled by the CIA is carried out. Hundreds of
indonesian thousands are victims of drives out with opponent, the long one and fatal career of man of straw American Suharto starts to culminate with the Eastern one.

1965- Dominicana Republic. Under cover of « Organisation of the American States », the USA intervene militarily to counter an alleged communist threat. The battle of Saint-Domingue makes some 10 000 victims.

1965- Peru. The USA bombard Peru.
1967-69- Guatemala. The USA bombard Guatemala.

1970- Oman. Shouldered by the American « advisers », the Iranian troops try to to invade the sultanate.

1970- The East Mediterranée. Military implication of the USA near Israel in the wars which take place in this area of the sphere.

1973- Chili. Following the land reform and with the nationalizations, the United States, by intermediary of the CIA and firm ITT, foments a military blow state which leads to extermination of the elected President of left El Salvador Allende. Thousands of deaths, women and childrens tortured, missing and installation from the dictatorship extreme-right-hand side from the Pinochet General, adviser by the CIA.

1975-1999- Eastern Timor . The USA support without failing invasion and annexion led by Indonesy of Suharto. A third of the population is decimated in nearly 25 years. Then to 1999 at the time of referendum, 80% of the population of Timor-Eastern chooses independance, the USA support the exactions and the terror of militia radio-controlled by army of indonesy which oppose with independance. The United States ends up accepting, under the international pressure, idea of gripping force of the Peace of ONU.

1980-1990- Salvador. The USA engagement militarily at the side of the governmental forces, of oligarchy to the capacity and of will « The dead squadron » to counter the guerrilla of left. In 1980, archbishop Romero, very
popular at the poor, is assassinated by men close to the CIA In ten years, the civil war makes 100 000 dead.

1981-1988- Nicaragua. The USA do not accept the series of reforms that Sandinistes arrived at the capacity in 1979 engage. The United States gives their support for the « contras » based to Honduras. In 1986, the scandal of Irangate reveals that the financial product of the American sales armes to Iran was useful has to finance the terrorist groups of the « contra ».

1982-1984- Lebanon. The troops phalangists of Lebanon supported by Israel and the USA expel and massacres Palestinian.

1983- Granada. In failure in Lebanon, the United States makes a show of force by invading the tiny island of the Grenade pretexting of the safety of some American citizens. Eight years later, the « Wall Street Journal » qualifies this demonstration « invasion of the banks », island in fact had become a paradise for the financial fraud and évasion tax.

1986- Libya. Aviation american bombards Libyan cities, making hundreds of victims among the civil ones and the official ones.

1986USA are condemned for " illegal use of the force " against Nicaragua by the International Court of Justice of the Hague.

1989- Philippines. American aviation lends hand-strong to the governmental forces to thwart one of many the blow state against the president Corazon Aquino, savage adverse with the Communists and the freedom fighters Moslem.

1989- Panama. The USA bombard Panama.

1991- Iraq. Invaluable ally of the United States in the area lasting of long years, Saddam Hussein invades Koweït without referring about it to the super power. The USA, not accept to lose control on part of the oil resources of the Gulf, declare the war with Irak in January 1991 and set up an international military coalition which, with the support of ONU, releases Koweït. Irak is placed under embargo..

1994- Haiti. Having occupied Haiti of 1915 to 1934 then supported the two appalling dictatorships of François and Jean-Claude Duvalier of 1957 to 1986, the USA are favorable to the inversion by blow state in 1991 of the
first president elected of the country the Aristide father. Among the soldiers implied in the blow state, colonel trained François, like the Latin-American dictators Noriega and d’Aubuisson, in the same American military academy. Three years later the United States intervenes militarily to give in seals the deposed President.

1998- Iraq. The USA and Great-Britan take again their bombardments on Irak and are fixed like physical objective elimination of Saddam Hussein and the installation a government of replacement.

1998- Soudan. American army destroys by missiles of the pharmaceutical factories supposed to be used as places of production armament chemical to fine terrorists.

1999- Yougoslavia. In March, under l’impulsion of the United States, NATO bombards Kosovo and Serbia or oppose Army of Release of Kosovo which since 1998 carries out operations of guerrilla and the Serb police
force which, on their side, takes as an hostage the civil populations. Hundreds of bombs with uranium depleted are tested by the USA.

2001- Afghanistan. Following the fatal attacks made on September 11 in the United States and allotted to organisation Al-Qaida directed by Oussama Ben Laden (old agent of the CIA supported during long years by the USA in the war against the Communists, billionaire and shareholder of oil companies) the United States forms a coalition, establishes bases in Pakistan and bombards the country massively. The talibans islamists
are reversed, the USA do not manage to impose to them « friend » (ancian king), a government of transition is set up, the prisoners of war are seen denied by the USA the international laws recognized by the International
Conventions, some prisoners are off-set on the American military basis of Guantanamo and undergo a contrary mode exception with the international principles and the American legislation itself. Behind these events the USA legitimate their ally dictator of Pakistan, ensure little by little their seizure on the transit of the regional
natural resources.

2002- Korea. The United States places this country at the number of the components of Axe of the Evil.

2002- Iraq. The United States makes pressure on the international community to launch a task force to Iraq aiming to the inversion of Saddam Hussein, with installation a government favorable to their interests, with
obtention of the principal shares of markets of the rebuilding of the country after bombardments, with  of concessions on the immense oil resources of the country. At the end of 2002, the USA and their English allies  massed tens of thousands of soldiers over-equipped on the spot, ready with an offensive.

2003- Iraq. The United States places itself out the international Law and the decisions of UNO and invades in the night from 19 to 20 the Mars, with the support of England, Iraq. A flood of fire falls down on the country and the population of which already nearly 500 000 people died in 10 years because of the economic blockade. A world movement of opposition to the war and the military aggression of the United States develops in favour of Peace and for the respect of the international law. The majority of the countries of planet condemn the American aggression against a sovereign country. By this act the USA opens the dangerous and criminal voice with the doctrines of the preventive war making it possible to attack any country not being subjected to the conceprtion American imperialist.
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